Meeting documents

General Purposes & Audit Committee
Wednesday, 25th March, 2015

View General Purposes and Audit Committee Agenda

Wednesday 25th March 2015
Room F10, Town Hall, Katharine Street, Croydon

Councillor Matthew Kyeremeh (Chair),

Councillor Humayun Kabir (Vice-Chair),

Councillors Emily Benn, Carole Bonner, Jan Buttinger, Jason Cummings, Yvette Hopley, Dudley Mead, Mike Selva, and John Wentworth,


Independent non-voting Members: Mrs. Sabia Noor & Mr. Nero Ughwujabo.


Reserve Members: Councillors: Jamie Audsley, Simon Brew, Luke Clancy, Simon Hall, Stephen Mann, Andrew Pelling, Badsha Quadir, Gerry Ryan,

and Sue Winborn

Trevor Harness
Senior Members
Tel No:
020 8760 6000 ext. 61146
Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting. If you require any assistance, please contact Trevor Harness, as detailed above.

Pre Meeting at 6.00pm in Committee Room G4
(for Committee Members only)

1. Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 28 January 2015

2. Apologies for absence

3. Disclosure of Interest
In accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct and the statutory provisions of the Localism Act, Members and co-opted Members of the Council are reminded that it is a requirement to register disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs) and gifts and hospitality in excess of £50. In addition, Members and co-opted Members are reminded that unless their disclosable pecuniary interest is registered on the register of interests or is the subject of a pending notification to the Monitoring Officer, they are required to disclose those disclosable pecuniary interests at the meeting. This should be done by completing the Disclosure of Interest form and handing it to the Business Manager at the start of the meeting. The Chairman will then invite Members to make their disclosure orally at the commencement of Agenda item 3. Completed disclosure forms will be provided to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion on the Register of Members' Interests.

4. Urgent Business (if any)
To receive notice from the Chair of any business not on the Agenda which should, in the opinion of the Chair, by reason of special circumstances, be considered as a matter of urgency.

5. Exempt Items
To confirm the allocation of business between Part A and Part B of the Agenda.

6. Oral Update on Appointment of Independent Non-Voting Members

7. Council-Wide Restructure of First Tier Officers

8. Exceptions to the Tenders & Contract Regulations

9. Establishment of a Croydon Council Local Pension Board

10. Reports from Grant Thornton
• Audit Plan 2014-15
• Pension Fund Audit Plan 2014-15

11. Internal Audit Monitoring Report: April 2014 to January 2015

12. Internal Audit Charter, Strategy and Plan

13. Anti-Fraud Update Report to 31 January 2015

14. Preparation of Closure of 2014-15 Accounts

15. General Purposes & Audit Committee Annual Report 2014-15

16. Council Risk Register

17. Camera Resolution
To resolve that, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information falling within those paragraphs indicated in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.


The next meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, 24th June 2015 in Room F10, Town Hall, Katharine Street, Croydon CR0 1NX

Issue Date:- 16 June 2015 at 16:29