Agenda item

Croydon Question Time

a)    Public Questions (30 minutes)

To receive questions from the public gallery and questions submitted by residents in advance of the meeting.


b)    Leader and Cabinet Member Questions (105 minutes)

To receive questions from Councillors.


The mayor outlined arrangements for the questions put to Council, reminded colleagues that 30 minutes would be allocated for this item. Members noted questions received in advance of the meeting:


  • When will Croydon get their money back (£260million) for Brick-by-Brick?
    - Cllr Ali responded saying that a decision will be made at the Cabinet meeting next week. Recommendations to continue the unfinished work will be made in order to retain the value in relation to the public’s investment.
  • Parking bays within Purley are taken up by building contractors – what will Croydon do to manage and properly enforce on-street parking rules?
    - Cllr Hamid responded and referred to support by the Council via grant systems. Cllr Muhammad Ali said that illegal parking can be reported immediately, and the service has been to undertake additional patrols to address the concern.
  • Has a venue been sourced for the count for the referendum?
    - Cllr Hamida Ali referred to an item later in the report which will discuss the referendum, dealing with the logistics and implementation. The decision of the venue has not yet been made.
  • What are the council’s guaranteed plans towards gaining public trust after mishandling of funds?
    - Cllr Ali said that she hoped that progress made by the administration in trying to address the issues and the cultural change will give residents confidence that this is a priority. Progress is in hand but more needs to be done.
  • There were concerns about unsatisfactory SEND support to a school in Croydon and in particular, regarding the appointment of a non-qualified teacher as Head with no teaching experience. Are the Council concerned that parents feel that they are unable to raise their concerns and what will the Council do about this?
    - Cllr Fleming acknowledged that the Council are aware of this and assured colleagues that all schools are monitored in regard to safeguarding. This is a temporary measure to cover sick leave. Provision of SEND pupils follows a process which is followed.
  • Planning permission has been granted for new homes – what provision is being made for extra provision for healthcare, transport and other infrastructure requirements and services once these are built?
    - Cllr Rees responded and agreed to write to the questionee with links and further information on the infrastructure delivery plan.
  • Can clarification be given on Planning Department staff shortages and delays and the reasons behind these?
    - Cllr Rees outlined the corporate drive to reduce agency staff which has led to a reduction of staff, and he referred to challenges around recruitment and retainment. A recruitment drive is currently taking place across all grades – however, this will take time. He asked colleagues to note that demand for planning permission have also increased with an increase to people working from home.
  • What is happening around investment in libraries and increase to opening hours?
    - Cllr Rees outlined the consultation underway to make opening times more flexible with late opening at least one day a week.
  • The impact on the environment is often ignored – why does Croydon encourage the building of new sites on green areas?
    - Cllr Rees referred to the need for new homes and said that all applications are determined according to planning frameworks and policies. However, changes are being made to try and hear the voices of residents and the Council does endeavour to respect land and find a balance between the appropriate level of development.
  • How many homes in Croydon do not have access to food waste collection services?
    - Cllr Ali confirmed that 4500 properties do not have access, and these are all flats above shop properties, and it is hoped that this will be resolved. Members noted mandatory requirements for collection of food waste.


At this point, a motion was moved by Cllr Fitzpatrick for an extension to the meeting of 20 minutes to ensure proper consideration of Council Business. This was seconded by Cllr Jade Appleton and agreed by Council members.


Leader of the Council, Cllr Hamida Ali informed colleagues of recent meetings with clinical staff and work with the NHS on the vaccination rollout.


Members were invited to raise any questions. They raised concerns about the administration and leadership of the council in the past. Discussion continued around current issues and the challenges faced, together with proposals in place in order to secure and deliver a better future for the borough.


Members heard about work being done to ensure delivery of the best services possible for the council’s residents as a priority for the council, including capital investment in libraries within the borough. Revenue challenges were discussed, and Cllr Lewis outlined options for delivery. Residents were reminded of current consultations and encouraged to participate.


Colleagues went on to discuss implications around disuse of hybrid meetings and the lost retention of opportunities for members who were unable to attend meetings in person, to exercise their proper role. Discussion also took place with regards to loss of communal spaces and constructive collaboration with residents to find ways forward to replace these. Concerns were also raised regarding the management of Brick-by-Brick and the Leader reminded colleagues that this would be further discussed at the upcoming Cabinet meeting.

Members heard about upcoming summer programmes for children across the borough, the Legacy Youth Zone and the results of the recent Ofsted inspection.


Colleagues commended the work of NHS workers and noted arrangements for the new Health and Wellbeing Space.


Further questions were raised with regards to the increase in cost to the Council for refurbishment of Fairfield Hall and other issues around capital delivery. Cllr Lewis reminded colleagues of the importance in investment as an integral part of the council landscape and contribution to the Borough of Culture in 2023.


Cllr Fleming was asked for an update on retrieval of costs around unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people. Members received a summary of the sums involved and conversations between senior officers and the Home Office Minister to ensure that the council is receiving the right level of recompense. They were assured that this will remain at the forefront of discussion and updates will be provided regularly, particularly around the funding gap for the care-leaving population.


In discussion, members raised further concerns as follow:


  • They felt that items that should have gone to Committee had not.
  • Issues around audio and visual difficulties in accessibility of this meeting.
  • Regular examination of public health and integrated care plans need to be in place.


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