Agenda item

Question Time: Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Sport

An extract from the Constitution outlining the Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Sport responsibilities is circulated.



Councillor Timothy Godfrey, Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Sport was in attendance.

A presentation focused on the key areas of his portfolio and highlighted the following: Libraries, Museum Heritage, Arts and Culture, Leisure Centres, Sport & Physical Activity, Parks & Open Spaces and Registrars and Bereavement.


Libraries- The library service was brought back in-house following Carillion PLC’s announcement of liquidation. There was an increase in visitors to the libraries of 2% on 2016/2017. There had been a range of programmes to attract visitors including working with local schools and provision of activities and events aimed at families and young groups. There were proposed works for the development of a new South Norwood Library building. Public consultation had taken place over the proposals. There had been a drive to regenerate Norbury Library and there was consideration taking place on options of creating a community space within the library.


Museum & Heritage – An exhibition to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Croydon School of Art was on display until April 2018 in the Croydon Clocktower. Community engagement was strengthened through the delivery of various arts exhibitions, displays and event and by supporting two Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) funded community led projects. Two apprentices had been recruited to the cultural heritage apprenticeship scheme.


Arts & Culture – Croydon had submitted its bid to become the first London Borough of Culture. The borough’s first cultural congress was held in January and had attracted a large number of delegates. Various cultural events, projects and activities such as the light festival, had taken place successfully. The Fairfield Hall development had progressed as planned and BH live had been appointed to be the operator following the refurbishment.



Leisure Centres – There were proposed new partnerships with emphasis on traditional sporting provision, wider engagement and outdoor activity. GLL Greenwich had been amounted as the new contractor for leisure services as of 1 March 2018 following the end of the 10 year contract with Fusion Leisure Services. The mobilisation of the new contract would result in various developments such as the refurbishment of leisure centres, New Addington leisure centre development and the delivery of proposed accessible activities across various parks. Future priorities would include a focus on provision of free outdoor physical activities, supporting sports clubs and strengthening sporting infrastructure.


Sport& Physical Activity – There had been various successes in the last year, such as the London youth games where the borough came 8th. This year and going forward, partnerships with continue to be forged to facilitate participation. Norbury BMX track was built and was now open and free to use by all in the community. A range of activities had been coordinated in Wandle park as part of Lottery Heritage funding projects.


Parks & Open Spaces – The work on the Parks agenda was continuous and had seen various outcomes such as increased work with volunteer groups. There had been successful partnerships with groups on delivery of improvements to the borough’s parks and open spaces. Various funding streams and grants had been accessed to support park improvements and promote community events. Six parks had been chosen, consultation had taken place with final plans developed on proposed improvement of the parks 


Registrars & Bereavement – A new structure in the Registrars Service was implemented in September 2017 to improve customer service, capitalise on income and manage workload. The administrative software was due to be upgraded this summer and the digitalisation of some services was due to be introduced.


Members acknowledged the extensive work that had been completed to promote community activities and the events that had been provided such as the Thornton heath light festival which was well received and attended.


Members welcomed the decision for the library services to be brought back in house and questioned what would be done to improve the libraries, such as book stock and services offered. Officers responded that an overhaul of the library service was planned with a focus on connecting with the community.


In response to Member comments regarding the decline of cricket facilities, officers responded that this was an area that was lobbied regularly. The Council had been working with partners on facilities and venues to promote the sport.


Members acknowledged that the GLL contact was positive for the borough’s leisure facilities but raised concerns on competition presented by the wave of budget gyms in the borough. Officers responded that this was a trend that affected all regions. The new contractor would look to compete through the provision of activities normally offered and diversification of services.


Members questioned Croydon’s chances of being awarded the London borough of culture. Officers responded that Croydon was in a good position to be awarded and would continue to develop many of the programmes planned regardless of the outcome. The work completed and professional relationships forged would be maintained.


In response to a Member request for an update on Ashburton Hall, the Committee was advised that the development would be handed over to GLL and a full programme of works would be published thereafter. The long term prospects were promising with a proposed revamp of the site which included facilities for a café, gym, cultural and sporting activities as well as various events.


In response to a Member question on what remained the biggest challenge across his portfolio, the Cabinet Member responded that the development of Parks and Open spaces remained a challenge due to the funding, investment and planning required to realise each sites potential and the time needed to imbed change.

The Chair thanked the Cabinet Member for all the work completed in the last four years and in his previous role as a successful Scrutiny Chair.

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