Agenda item

Princess Road Area - Objections to Proposed Extension of the Croydon CPZ (North Permit Area)

The purpose of this report is to consider objections received from the public following the formal consultation process on a proposal to introduce a new Controlled Parking Zone in the Princess Road Area with a combination of Shared-Use Permit/Pay & Display machines (8 hour maximum stay) and single yellow lines operating from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Saturday.


(Copy attached)


The Traffic Management Advisory Committee considered a report on objections received from the public following the formal consultation process on a proposal to introduce a new Controlled Parking Zone in the Princess Road Area with a combination of Shared-Use Permit/Pay & Display machines (eight hour maximum stay) and single yellow lines operating from 0900 – 1700 hours, Monday to Saturday.


Ms Maureen Thomas addressed the Committee in her capacity as a local resident and explained that signs had already been mounted in the Princess Road area stating that the parking bays were to be terminated. She explained that the proposals would not benefit the local residents as it would reduce the parking access and limit the residents’ use of their drop curbs. Ms Thomas noted that there had been a lack of consultation between the local residents and Croydon Council and noted that an online petition had been organised and gained 86 signatures against the proposals.


Ms Joan Dillon addressed the Committee in her capacity as a local resident and representative for the local businesses in the area and explained that the report did not include all the objections that had been submitted by local residents; therefore, the Committee could not make an informed decision. She noted that the business trade would be impacted and customers would reduce at the result of the CPZ. Ms Dillon added that there needed to be a more meaningful dialogue between the local residents, businesses and Croydon Council.


Councillor David Wood addresses the Committee in his capacity as a Local Councillor for the Selhurst Ward and explained that he had received correspondence from local residents and businesses but was in favour of the extension of the Croydon CPZ. He noted concern for the cost impact it may have on local businesses and residents; however, he was mainly supportive of the scheme as he received regular complaints from residents in his capacity as Ward Councillor due to the lack of parking restrictions in the area. If the proposal was agreed then it would be the third extension of the CPZ introduced in the Selhurst Ward since Councillor Wood had become a Councillor and he noted that they had improved the life of the local residents. He explained that Croydon Council had consulted with local residents and businesses and those who did not engage could not be considered to be opposed to the scheme.


In response to the queries raised by the speakers the Parking Design Manager explained that he was unaware of the suspension signs that had been installed but these could be easily removed pending the decision made by Committee. He noted that he had received a considerable amount of complaints from local residents regarding the parking problems in the area and had also received a positive response to the proposed extension to the CPZ. It was added that daily commuters were using the area to park in and this was impacting negatively on the residents and the extension of the Croydon CPZ should improve this.


In response to Councillor Canning it was explained that there was a low response rate from Whitehorse Road estate as residents had their own parking scheme and car park and were, therefore, not affected by on street parking. It was added that only extending the CPZ to the supportive roads would have a severe negative effect as they would be surrounded by CPZ and would increase parking problems.


Councillor Hoar agreed with the concerns raised by Councillor Canning and explained that the majority of residents in the south east of the proposal did not want the extension of the CPZ. The Parking Design Manager clarified that the majority of the residents collectively were in support of the scheme.


Councillor Jewitt noted that she was a resident close to Selhurst Park and the extension of a CPZ was currently being considered in the immediate area; therefore, the traffic would disperse to different areas and could affect the current area being discussed. She explained that the Princess Road area would currently not be able to cope with high volume of traffic and parking on match days. The Parking Design Manager confirmed to Councillor Jewitt that the hours of the CPZ could be extended if residents felt it was necessary when Selhurst Park was extended.


The Chair noted the low response rate and explained the challenges the officers had with engaging the residents. He noted that it was regrettable that signs had been mounted but ensured the residents present that a decision hd not been pre-determined.


The Traffic Management Advisory Committee RESOLVED to recommend to the Acting Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport & Regeneration (Job Share) that they:


1.1         Consider the responses to the objections received to the proposed controlled parking zone in the Princess Road Area from Hartley Road, Devonshire Road, Pawson’s Road and St. Saviours Road,


1.2         Agree to introduce a new Controlled Parking Zone into the above roads as shown on plan PD-345/01 for the reasons as set out in this report.


1.3      Authorise officers to inform the objectors and supporters of the above decision.


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