Agenda item

Lakehall Road Area - Results of Information Consultation on the Proposed Introduction of a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ)

The report considers the results of the informal consultation on the possible introduction of parking controls into the Lakehall Road Area which includes, Attlee Close, Bensham Lane, Bert Road, Fairgreen Road, Frant Road, Haslemere Road, Kingswood Avenue, Kimberley Road, Lakehall Road, Lakehall Gardens, Meadow View Road, Norman Road, Penshurst Road, Torridge Road and Queenswood Avenue. 


The Traffic Management Advisory Committee considered the report on the results of the informal consultation on the possible introduction of parking controls into the Lakehall Road Area which includes, Attlee Close, Bensham Lane, Bert Road, Fairgreen Road, Frant Road, Haslemere Road, Kingswood Avenue, Kimberley Road, Lakehall Road, Lakehall Gardens, Meadow View Road, Norman Road, Penshurst Road, Torridge Road and Queenswood Avenue.


The Parking Design Manager, David Wakeling, introduced the report and explained it was recommended that the Council proceeded to the formal consultation stage with a proposal to introduce controlled parking into Bensham Lane, Bert Road, Fairgreen Road, Frant Road, Kingswood Avenue, Kimberley Road, Lakehall Road, Lakehall Gardens, Meadow View Road and Queenswood Avenue, as shown on Drawing No. PD-382 in the agenda. Included in the formal consultation would be a detailed design and the local residents would have an opportunity to comment or object.


Mr John Fraser addressed the Committee in his capacity as a local resident and explained that he was objecting to the scheme because he believed the Thornton Heath ward should all become a CPZ to ensure there were no issues with displacement. He noted that he lived immediately outside the proposed CPZ area would create a “donut” of pay and display parking around the Ecclesbourne Road area and this would severely affect the roads. He requested that the Traffic Management Advisory Committee deferred the item for a few months to develop a full parking strategy for the Thornton Heath Ward.


Ms Heather Hinds addressed the Committee in her capacity as a local resident of Frant Road and explained that she was in support of the proposed CPZ. She noted that the majority of her neighbours were in support of the CPZ in 2015 when it was initially proposed; however, they were unable to attend the previous meeting where it was discussed to express their support. She explained that the area suffered from a high parking rate in connection with the hospital and the surrounding CPZs in the area had dispersed a high level of parking. It was added that neighbours’ cars were regularly damaged due to drivers squeezing in to small spaces; however, this was likely to be resolved if restrictions were introduced.


Ms Helen Mullens addressed the Committee in her capacity as a local resident and explained that the majority of her neighbours were in support of the CPZ. She noted that a high number of residents who objected to the proposal had double driveways and were therefore not affected by the current parking issues. It was added that the addition of CCTV in the area could help resolve the problems.


The Parking Design Manager noted that for similar proposals consultation would be conducted for a larger area and not just the petitioned area to try and mitigate the parking displacement. He also added that if the Traffic Management Advisory Committee agreed to implement the CPZ then it was likely to be introduced as there was a huge traffic problem in the area and there had been a positive response to the implementation of CPZs in neighbouring areas. 


Councillor Hoar noted that the objector had raised valid points regarding the displacement issues; however, the current report was just agreeing to conduct formal consultation in the area and neighbouring areas would have the opportunity to request a CPZ in the future.


Councillor Canning stated that he would be supporting the officers’ recommendations and thanked the Parking Design Manager on the scheme ensuring the roads who were in support were included. In response to queries raised by Councillor Canning it was explained that there was not a direct pedestrian link to the Croydon University Hospital site or Bensham Lane from the proposed CPZ area.


Councillor Ali noted that he was in support of the proposal and questioned whether there was an overarching strategy. The Parking Design Manager explained that there were highlighted areas in the Borough with particularly high parking stress where CPZs could be introduced; however, it was not planned to introduce a CPZ to include the whole Borough. The Parking team would continue to implement CPZs to areas, which suffered from parking issues, in response to residents’ petitions.


Councillor Clark thanked the public speakers for attending the meeting and the Parking Design Manager for the report. He noted that he agreed with the concerns raised by Mr Fraser as there could be a “snowball effect” from introducing CPZs. He explained that he lived in an area with CPZ and it was unfortunate the residents had to pay to park in their area; however, it was unfortunately necessary in many cases. It was important that each proposal was considered on a case-by-case basis rather than implementing a CPZ across the full Borough. He added that he was inclined to support officers’ recommendation as the proposal was for formal consultation and there would still be an opportunity for residents to object.


The Chair explained to the Committee that the informal consultations conducted were to help the Council gage which areas would benefit from the introduction of a CPZ and whether residents were in favour or not. The formal consultation was a legal requirement under the traffic management regulations. In response to the Chair it was clarified that the design work would be carried out in January 2019, the formal consultation would begin in February/March 2019 and if the scheme was agreed it would be implemented in autumn 2019.


RESOLVED – That the Traffic Management Advisory Committee unanimously agreed to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Regeneration (job share) that they:


1.1           Consider the responses received to the informal consultation on the proposed introduction of a CPZ into the Lakehall Road Area.


1.2           Agree to proceed to the formal consultation stage for a proposal to introduce a new CPZ operational 0900 hours – 1700 hours Monday to Saturday into Bensham Lane, Bert Road, Fairgreen Road, Frant Road, Kingswood Avenue, Kimberley Road, Lakehall Road, Lakehall Gardens, Meadow View Road, Queenswood Avenue, as shown on Drawing No.PD-382.


1.3           If formal consultation is agreed, delegate to the Highway Improvement

Manager, Public Realm Directorate the authority to give the notice.

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