Agenda item

Bynes Road Area - Objections to the Proposed Extension of Bynes Road CPZ


The Committee considered a report detailing the objections received from the public following the formal consultation process on a proposal to extend the existing Bynes Road Controlled Parking Zone to the currently uncontrolled section of Bynes Road with a combination of Shared-Use Permit/Pay via Ring-Go (8 hours maximum stay) and single yellow lines operating from 0900 hours – 1700 hours, Monday to Saturday.


The Parking Design Manager, David Wakeling, introduced the report and explained that a positive response had been received at informal consultation stage; however, a negative response at the formal consultation stage, including four petitions. The objections had been analysed and it had been concluded that there was insufficient support for the scheme.


Ms Carol Whinnom addressed the Committee in her capacity as a local resident and explained that she was in support of the officer’s recommendation of refusal. She noted that there were significant problems in the area with parking, however, the extension of the CPZ was not the solution; she explained that there were more imaginative ways to solve the issues, without negatively impacting on residents. She noted that the main factors for the parking issues were; parents dropping off and picking up their children from Purley Oaks Primary School, which could be resolved by introducing walking buses or parents being encouraged to use public transport; the South Croydon Bus Garage, which could be resolved by mini buses collecting bus drivers before their shifts to reducing parking private vehicles; large businesses based in the area who were not utilising their depot areas for parking; and residents parking their business vehicles. She further explained that the residents who previously requested the current CPZ which was in place nearby did not use it and parked in the neighbouring roads. She concluded by stating that if the CPZ was extended then it would be cheaper for her to drive to work every day, as opposed to using public transport, which should not be the case.


In response to Ms Whinnom the Parking Design Manager agreed that there were parking issues around many schools in the borough and that Purley Oaks Primary School had been identified as a potential area to introduce a School Streets zone. The Chair added that the School Streets scheme had been positively received where it had been implemented. The Headteacher of Purley Oaks Primary School would need to be in support of the scheme before introducing it.


Councillor Simon Hoar explained that he knew the area well and sympathised with the residents because of the current parking problems. He noted there were problems caused around the South Croydon Bus Garage as the bus drivers would park their vehicles in the surrounding residential roads during their shifts.


The Chair echoed Councillor Hoar’s comments and noted that the problems caused by the South Croydon Bus Garage were frustrating, however, the Council could not control this.


RESOLVED – That the Traffic Management Advisory Committee recommend to the Acting Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Regeneration (job share) that they:


1)    Consider the responses received to the formal consultation to extending the existing Bynes Road Controlled Parking Zone to the currently uncontrolled section of Bynes Road with a combination of Shared-Use Permit/Pay via Ring-Go (8 hours maximum stay) and single yellow lines operating 9am to 5pm, Monday to Saturday.


2)    Agree for the reasons detailed in this report not to extend the Bynes Road Controlled Parking Zone throughout the whole length of the road as shown on drawing number PD 403.


3)    Inform the objectors and supporters of the above decision.


Councillor Muhammad Ali entered the meeting at 1858 hours.


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