Agenda item

19/05195/PRE 550 to 550A Purley Way, Croydon, CR0 4RF

Demolition of existing commercial properties, erection of two blocks, a southern block of 8 storeys, and northern block up to 15 storeys, providing 125 homes including 4 live/work units, with car and cycle parking and associated landscaping.


Ward: Waddon


Demolition of existing commercial properties, erection of two blocks, a southern block of 8 storeys, and northern block up to 15 storeys, providing 125 homes including 4 live/work units, with car and cycle parking and associated landscaping.


Ward: Waddon


Mr Nik Smith from Nexus Planning who are the planning consultants to this development was joined by Mr Dean Thody and Ms Jennifer Robertson from ECE Architecture, Mr Ben Howard from I-Transport, Mr Philip Cave who is the projects landscape architect and Mr Jack Simmons from Stonegate Homes who is the applicant of this development. The developers attended to give a presentation and respond to Members' questions and issues raised for further consideration prior to submission of a planning application.


The main issues raised at this meeting were as follows:


Tall building

·       Some disagreement as to whether it was right for the scheme to come forward now or whether it needed to wait for the Masterplan

·       Some members felt the scheme responds to the Masterplan well and would be appropriate densification, maximising use of the site

·       Visual introduction for what to come in th future so scheme needs to be inspiring

·       Scheme is beyond the upper limit of the density matrix - need to ensure infrastructure can support it 

·       Some members felt the tall building focus should be in the district centres and that 15 storeys would not work



·       Merit in and support for co-working space

·       Queried whether similar live-work been successful elsewhere

·       Support for ground floor uses and mix of workspace

·       Positive that it would provide places to live, work and play

·       Some members felt the loss of retail was acceptable, others were concerned about the loss of jobs

·       Questioned whether a nursery could be provided on site


Design and elevation details

·       Some members felt the height was appropriate, but consensus was that use of setbacks and material variation need to break up height and mass

·       Some members questioned whether it was a marker building - could it be more innovative or more iconic

·       Lots of discussion on material choice  - some members preferred brick, some liked the terracotta, others felt a mixture was important

·       Design should reference other buildings in the area

·       Support for Art Deco style rounded corners


Site layout and public realm

·       Positive that there appears no distinction between the private and affordable housing

·       Decks above parking that provide amenity were generally supported and support for the balcony flexibility

·       Welcome the public realm which is key

·       Landscaping really important in helping mitigate pollution

·       Trees in planters a concern - need to survive

·       Security for residents will be important with car park to rear under deck


Level of affordable housing.

·       Percentage should be higher than 30% - policy seeks to achieve 50%


Future residents

·       Family mix - lots of 2 bedroom 4 person homes - concerned that there needs to be more genuine family accommodation

·       Communal amenity spaces - need to be of high quality and far away from Purley Way as possible with adequate sunlight

·       Should avoid single aspect units - particularly north facing

·       Air quality and noise considerations will be key

·       The importance of accessibility and disabled units was stressed

·       There should be more than 8 M4(3) homes


Neighbouring living conditions.

·       Some disagreement as to impact on immediate neighbours - some members thought no issue, others were concerned primarily with the impact on the cottages to the south


Car parking provision

·       Should explore car parking stackers to minimise space



·       Members questioned the environmental credentials of the scheme beyond planning policy



Ward Member Councillor Robert Canning was invited to share his local viewpoint on the development presentation.


The Chair thanked the applicants for their presentation, and looked forward to their application returning to the Committee at a later stage.



Due to unforeseen circumstances, the election of a Chair for the remainder of the meeting was voted on in the absence of Chair and Vice-Chair. Councillor Vidhi Mohan proposed for Councillor Gareth Streeter to be Chair for the remainder of this Planning Committee meeting. Councillor Chris Clark seconded the motion.


At 8:02pm the Planning Committee adjourned the meeting for a short break


At 8:02pm Councillors Chris Clark, Lelia Ben-Hassel, Toni Letts and Clive Fraser left the meeting.


At 8:06pm the Planning Committee reconvened the meeting.


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