Agenda item

Independent Member succession planning

For Members to consider succession planning for and recruitment and appointment of further independent persons.


The Monitoring Officer introduced the report which was an update in relation to succession planning for the recruitment and appointment independent persons. This report followed the committee previously delegating authority to her to commence the recruitment process to increase the pool of independent persons as there were currently only two.


It was noted that independent persons had a specific role identified in the Localism Act in relation to helping to promote high standards. As the Monitoring Officer it was her duty to make arrangements for those standards to be upheld. Should there be any allegations of misconduct then the independent person supported in both investigations and subsequent decision making.


There were further duties of an independent person in relation to disciplinary action in regard to statutory council officers; which the Monitoring Officer noted were key and were outlined within the Constitution; with at least two independent persons being involved in the process.


Members were advised that the report included the proposal to extend the pool of independent person to comprise of five people; including the two who were already appointed. It was noted that the role of the independent person was underpinned by recent guidance from the National Committee on Standards in Public Life. That guidance, which was included within the report, the Monitoring Officer noted recognised the important role of independent persons and suggested that their role be strengthened further. 


Following the delegation from the Committee, the Monitoring Officer advised Members that she had begun the recruitment process and had list of interested persons, however the process had been delayed due to the pandemic. The recommendations contained within the report sought the appointment of two Members to form a Selection Panel with an independent person who would advise the Panel alongside the Monitoring Officer. It was recognised that the candidates had waited some time and so she stated she would like to begin shortlisting on 25 November 2020 with interviews scheduled to take place on 10 December 2020.


The Chair confirmed that to form the Selection Panel that two Members and an independent person would need to be appointed by the Committee and sought nominations.


The Vice Chair stated that she felt the Chair should sit on the Panel and that it should be a cross-party Panel. Furthermore, she nominated Anne Smith to be independent person.


The Chair received confirmation that Councillor Creatura would be a Member of the Panel on behalf of the Opposition.


Following queries from Members, the Monitoring Officer confirmed that the shortlisting was scheduled to take place between 10.30am and 11.30am on 25 November 2020 and interviews were provisionally scheduled to take place between 2pm and 5pm on 10 December 2020, but subject to Member’s availability those times could be moved.


The Monitoring Officer informed Members that the Selection Panel would report their finding to the Committee ahead of a recommendation to Council.


RESOLVED: To appoint the following persons to sit on the Independent Member Selection Panel:

·       Councillor Fraser, Chair

·       Councillor Clouder

·       Councillor Creatura

·       Anne Smith, Independent Member

·       Jacqueline Harris Baker, Monitoring Officer


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