Issue - decisions

London Road Corridor – Cycle Safety Scheme

20/01/2022 - London Road Corridor – Cycle Safety Scheme



1.1        Consider the comments and objections received in response to Notice published in respect of making permanent the temporary mandatory cycle lanes on London Road, and the implementation of associated permanent changes including pedestrian crossing facilities.


1.2        Consider the officer’s response to the objections in Section 2 and Appendix C of the report.


1.3       Authorise the Highways Traffic Manager, Sustainable Communities Division to make the necessary Traffic Management Orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) the effect of which would be to introduce the following measures as part of making permanent the temporary cycle lanes in London Road (between Brigstock Road and Bensham Lane) to:

(a)  make permanent the existing temporary waiting and loading restrictions operating “at any time” in London Road between its junctions with Brigstock Road and Bensham Lane.

(b)  permanently remove all parking and loading bays from the above section of London Road.

(c)  provide short-term parking bays in side-streets as described at Section 2.5 ii of the report.

(d)  provide short-term loading bays in side streets as described at Section 2.5 iii of the report.

(e)  make permanent the existing temporary 20mph speed limit in London Road between its junctions with Brigstock Road and St James’s Road.


1.4      Authorise the Head of Highways and Parking to exercise powers under the Highways 1980 to:

(a)   make permanent the existing temporary cycle lanes in London Road with permanent lightly segregated facilities and permanent sections of advisory cycle lanes on the carriageway between Brigstock Road and Bensham Lane.

(b)   install raised Zebra Crossings in London Road as described at Section 2.6 i of the report.

(c)    install raised side road entry treatments as described at Section 2.6 ii of the report.


The general effect of Recommendations 1.3 and 1.4 being to permanently install the measures in the scheme drawing at Appendix B, in that part of London Road Croydon Council is Highway Authority.