Issue - decisions

Quarter 2 Financial Performance 2017/18

11/12/2017 - Quarter 2 Financial Performance 2017/18



i)          Note the current revenue outturn forecast at the end of the second quarter of 2017/18 of £797k, this is before exceptional items of £4.3m, resulting in a total overspend of £5.097m, and the actions put in place to reduce the overspend;


ii)         Note the ongoing engagement with and lobbying of Government by the Council for additional funding for Croydon, both in general terms and specifically Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children, fire safety measures and  mitigation of the impact of the Universal Credit implementation.


iii)        Note the £3.7m collection fund surplus which is released in 2018/19 and will offset a significant amount of the forecast overspend;


iv)        Note the HRA position of a £0.738m forecast underspend against budget;


v)         Note the capital outturn projection of £37.2m forecast underspend against budget;


vi)        Agree the strategy for the flexible use of capital receipts to deliver on going transformation and savings, detailed in section 9 of the report;


vii)       Endorse the proposed introduction of the Care Leavers Council Tax support scheme, detailed in paragraph 8.5 of the report;


viii)      Endorse the additional allocation of the Business Rates Discretionary Relief scheme, detailed in paragraph 8.14 of the report.