Issue - decisions

Post-16 Travel Assistance Policy Changes

02/04/2019 - Post-16 Travel Assistance Policy Changes

The Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Learning introduced the report noting that the preferred option for Post-16 travel was travel training; however other options were available including travel budgets if they were considered to be the most appropriate.


A consultation on the Policy changes ran alongside the SEND Strategy consultation with workshops, online forms and engagement with support organisations. Additionally, an easy ready version was produced following responses to ensure everyone was able to understand the proposed Policy.


Ms Kishore-Bigord of Parents in Partnership stated that she welcomed the Policy as it was recognised that changes were needed in how transport assistance was delivered. Additionally, it was raised that it was important to ensure that no young person was excluded from accessing education as there was a lack of transport support. As such it was reiterated that it was necessary to ensure the terminology used in the Policy was clear so as to ensure that young people were aware that support would be provided.


The Cabinet Member recognised that the original document had been complex and as such an easy read version was designed and used for engagement with young people. It was stated that easy read formats would also be considered for future engagement exercises.


It was recognised that the Policy changes would assist in liveability and would provide support to young people to assist them in the move towards independence.


The Cabinet Member thanked officers for their work in developing the service over a number of years and for their commitment to ensure no young person was excluded from education due to travel.


The Leader of the Council delegated to the Cabinet the power to make the decisions set out below


RESOLVED: To adopt the proposed change to the Post-16 Travel Assistance Policy, for the 2019/2020 academic year that where Independent Travel Training was not appropriate, the Council’s default offer of support would be to provide a Personal Transport Budget (PTB) to learners aged 16 to 18 with special educational needs and/or disabilities.