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Woodmansterne Charities


Brief history: Back in the1600, a number of generous people left money in their wills to be distributed through the church each year to people in need in the parish Woodmansterne. These bequests made up the Woodmansterne Charities

1627 Henry Smith a landowner, to provide clothing or blankets, bread, meat or fish.

1662 Sarah Huntley to help those who were in need.

1837 Jane Lambert to help the poor

Rosa Mildred to help the poor by also distributing sacks of coal, Mrs. Mildred lived in a large house called Court Haw; she was a church Warden for many years and gave generously for the rebuilding of the church. She also provided an orphanage in the village.

Please see the Henry Smith website for ‘What we fund’ from this charity Henry Smith Charity

Aim of the organisation: The aim of the Woodmansterne Charity is to offer grants towards your gas or electricity bills. The objects of the charity state "fuels to be distributed by the trustees annually during the month of February among poor persons and families (not being gentlemen's servants or their families) who have resided in the Parish of Woodmansterne for a period of three years and upwards prior to the time of the distribution".

Our representatives